Security Risks Are Abundant: Stay Safe with the Latest Tech

The thought of getting hacked, attacked, or phished by a cyber criminal is a scary prospect, but to make matters worse, the average breach costs around $10 million. To minimize your security risks, take a moment to assess your situation and consider updating your security strategy.

Executives across a variety of industries have plenty on their minds in this tough economic landscape, but 40% of them rate cyber attacks as a top risk to their survival. And the issues are only compounding as the traditional workplace has evolved into a hybrid of in-office employees and work-from-anywhere employees. Cyber criminals are finding weak spots left and right and attacking at will.

A Watchful Eye

Monitoring user activity is one of the often-overlooked steps to keeping bad actors out. In fact, it’s something many security teams say they have a problem with, especially when they have remote workers connecting to the system. Working with the right agent can help because they will have insights into which monitoring systems will work best for each unique situation.

When you get the right monitoring solution, you can begin to see what is normal in terms of traffic and then spot unusual traffic patterns that would otherwise go unnoticed. Threat intelligence, as most security teams call it, provides visualization tools and AI for easy-to-understand graphs and charts, making the process less daunting and more transparent.

Lookout for Ransomware

If there is one type of security risk causing security teams to look into cyber security solutions with more focus now than ever, it’s the threat of ransomware. These attacks are on the rise, perhaps because of work-from-anywhere environments or due to digitalization and adoption of hybrid cloud solutions, but regardless of the cause of the spike, being proactive helps reduce risk.

One example is the 2021 REvil attack, which hurt around 1,500 organizations, and may serve as a motivation for doing more to reduce security risks. But there are many other bad actors out there doing everything they can to use their ransomware on unsuspecting victims. The security risks also often include user errors, which is why educating end users is so important.

Ransomware threats require organizations to back up files in secure locations and use encryption when possible. All vulnerabilities must be patched, and all security updates must be tended to the moment they become available.

Partner with a Professional

At One Connect, we’re carefully watching for the latest in security threats and cyber security trends that can help our clients stay safe. Contact us and find out why so many security teams rely on our knowledge to save them time and money.