BYOD Risks: Gain Control and Minimize Threats

With roughly 82% of companies having a bring your own device (BYOD) program and 68% reporting a rise in productivity because of BYOD, it’s quite apparent that the days of employees relying solely on work-provided hardware are over. Despite these gains in productivity, organizations are also seeing a rise in security vulnerabilities related to BYOD risks.

While cyber criminals have numerous methods for getting access to information, targeting employees is a top tactic, which means educating employees about everything from password hygiene to phishing is integral to a solid security strategy.

Risking Data Breaches

One of the big risk factors in leaking a company’s confidential information is through BYOD devices. Lost or stolen devices pose an obvious problem, but there is also the risk of malware infection and inadvertently allowing unauthorized access to networks. These are just a few of the items that IT leaders rank among the top concerns for IT leaders and security teams.

A breach is a catastrophic event for business organizations because it can destroy the trust a company has worked hard to build among clients, but adding insult to injury is the fact that the average data breach costs a business $4.35 million, according to a report from Statista.

Implementing the Right Protections

Mobile device management (MDM) solutions provide organizations with more control and visibility, helping to reduce threats by enforcing security guidelines. For example, MDM helps IT security teams track BYOD usage and flag suspicious activity, thereby reducing BYOD risks. Should an employee report their device is lost or stolen, MDM solutions will allow you to wipe the device of information so the person who takes possession of it cannot gain access to the confidential data.

IT leaders and security teams are also implementing solutions such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems as a layer of security against cyber criminals. They are researching network monitoring technology that helps them track traffic and flag suspicious activity, giving them a proactive tool for fighting against intrusion.

Outsourced Assistance

BYOD risks will continue as long as employees carry personal devices, so it’s vital to ensure that your employees use their devices to enhance productivity, but not at the risk of comprising confidential information. To ensure you’re covered, work with a qualified professional to help you find and implement the right solutions.

At OneConnect, we’re your one connection to assist you in improving your business. We’ve managed thousands of supplier implementations, so you can count on us to find the technology that is a custom fit for your needs. Contact us and find out more about how we can reduce your BYOD risks and implement MDM solutions for improved protection.